Men's Blog


Time spent with God is time that isn't lost. As men, we tend to find entertainment in negative things and i think it's time for us to learn that peace is entertaining. It's better to dwell in God's fiery presence than to be caught up in all of the wrong nonsense. His presence never gets old

As men, we should strive to maintain a relationship with God. I encourage you to be a man who loves talking to God. May God bring hope and happiness to our spirits even in the darkest nights. It's not easy to be a man in this world because its alot of pressure that comes with being a man. And sometimes the pressure can feel stronger than the love when we are following God. But we shouldn't worry because Jesus is the healer of hearts and he has an unlimited supply of love and blessings

As men, we should take a stand for God's truth even when it means that we might gotta face a million dangers. Don’t let pain scare you from loving Jesus. We should stay focused on God's path and learn to sit through the pain and try not to worry because the rough times will pass. “Wishing everyone prosperity, peace and security this year!